Slain's Journal

Slain's Journal


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31 entries this month


14:16 May 26 2017
Times Read: 846

You will preach about how much lying and deception you've had to deal with in your life, yet when the moment arises where your options are to be deceptive or be forthcoming, the former is always more appealing an option.

But let us not be judged by what we do, but what we say we do.


What's a lie anyway?




Pride. lmfao

06:01 May 22 2017
Times Read: 883

Did I mention that it won't ever end?

I might have forgotten to mention that.




This will never end.

23:38 May 20 2017
Times Read: 913

It really won't ever end.

What do you do when you disagree with someone but can't for your life say "You are lying", about anything they share?

You find everything and anything that repeats hollow circumstantial nonsense that makes you feel validated, and excuses shitty treatment of other people. The thing about that is, so many people in this world do this, and it's still called being abusive and manipulative.

Quick! Someone, anybody, help! Send me quotes of things I say when I want to rationalize being an asshole so I feel more entitled than I normally do about my disregard about other's emotions. STAT! Other's need an audience eh? lol

The focus is strong with this one. Utterly focused on... the same shit as always. Hence the repetition of all the typical shit: coincidental topic references while claiming there are better things to think and talk about, yet.... coincidences. Coincidences everywhere... But I'm sure there are better things. There always ARE.

Nothing quite like stating you don't care about something and then proving the very opposite. over and over again.



00:04 May 21 2017

oddly enough I find this entry funny

02:48 May 21 2017

Same ol' same ol'

02:48 May 21 2017


18:38 May 21 2017

Must be a female thing because I am totally lost.

22:48 May 21 2017

Strange how you guessed it was a female thing, Dakotah. Lol. I guess it must not be exclusive behavior to just one individual. Go figure.


03:47 May 20 2017
Times Read: 932

Yay quotes.

"I'ts not that you weren't enough, it's that they were not ready for all that you can offer."

"Only the strongest consider other's feelings first. "

Someone will always twist that into you never thinking of them first, because you are upset they are hurting you. It's adorable. Such is life.




10:29 May 19 2017
Times Read: 947

Strange how one can do something, without doing anything at all. LOL.

As you wish.




04:43 May 19 2017
Times Read: 954

Odd night. Reading the stars.




Physical Therapy, Occupational therapy... Emotional Therapy?

10:30 May 18 2017
Times Read: 973

Now home, I'm relieved, and exhausted. It has been a damn near impossible couple of months, my heart and mind are in much need of a reset. Even while home, I'm still not done running around, worrying and planning. Finding meds making sure things are where they should be. Phone call after phone call, visit after visit. I really can't repeat and paint just how worn I am. Nothing but emotions drowning me and tiny pathetic attempts at venting them here. Because some ears that are offered only to soothe their own boredom. And god forbid you mention such an observation, because 'how dare you.'

I'll keep trying. Never gave up before, so why start now?

When people are shit, I really, really have to not dwell on it.
Good luck there...



12:32 May 18 2017

*hugs* You have done well ... You have been brave . Everything will settle down :)
Only good times ahead.


si fuera muda estalla

10:13 May 18 2017
Times Read: 976

Didn't have to wait long at all. How strange.

When your worst enemy is a question, veils are always favored.

Who are you indeed, when descriptions vary.

No one statement matters, or at least it sure as hell shouldn't, when the favor is in the majority that pleases.

These words don't ever weigh much, yet the winds play a gust.

Changes took place upon key words, and they've not gone back since. I must be seeing things.

Can't vent without an arched back somewhere in the audience. You're perfect, like so many say, let's leave it at that.

What's a white lie, as long as you feel good?
Well, a lie.
No biggie.




waste not cock not

12:21 May 16 2017
Times Read: 1,027

A link straight all things personally existential, including dick pics. That'll learn me to click shit.

Although I thoroughly find it glaringly hilarious that she's been on your profile. I'm sure the pics were appreciated. In fact, you've probably had words about that to an interesting end. :: snorts:: Either way, I'm amused.

I need to be a smidge more discerning.

Ever so slightly.




13:45 May 16 2017


14:45 May 16 2017

Just clicking around in people's profile isn't always so great sometimes. lol

19:40 May 16 2017

It wasn't me! Lol


08:17 May 16 2017
Times Read: 1,038

"Dad, don't let go!"

12:42 Jun 28 2015
Times Read: 148

He knows. He knows he can talk about anything; Few things trigger a bashful response. He knows what he feels: He's experienced enough to tell things apart. He knows what to do with the means at his disposal; All he needs is a chance. He recoils; The sting hurts enough to shy away from risk. Yet he fears regret even more. There are things he knows. He learnt each as he stumbles and topples down the ridge. Gripping and grabbing at vines and roots he knows will snap. He knows he doesn't know how to stop the descent. He knows he'll reach for grip once again. He tumbles so, he grips, as he only hears one voice, over even his own thoughts. Hers. And that's all he knows.




07:31 May 16 2017
Times Read: 1,041

O_o Heh... Must have slipped my mind.




04:34 May 16 2017
Times Read: 1,049


Come take me away, briskly.
Sweep me away, slowly.
Lift me away, cleanly.
Entice me away, serenely.
Magic me away, Fillory.

I don't want your incantations.
I don't want your veils.
I just want that piece of nature
that puts storm winds within rare sails.

Your dangers untold and hardships nigh numbered,
your secrets untold and sorrows all eased.
Acquiesce me your say, and allow me a spell
to visit your wellspring and suffering cease.

Don't lie to me, quickly.
Don't store my life smoothly.
Don't trick my love, truly
But just take me... my dear Fillory.




Poisonous wounds that need to bleed out.

05:47 May 15 2017
Times Read: 1,089

There will always be that person that will "shame" another for doing something harmless. Be it their hobbies or lifes tyle. (For the linguistically challenged, I mean something that causes neither mental, emotional nor physical harm to any person.)

What's worthwhile in life never puts another person down and makes them question why they are who they are. Every flavor of being is an acquired choice to those that have never known the taste. So why be a self-righteous, arrogant ass about how you think you lead your life is the best way? I guess that comes from an over developed ego fed through the years of being lied to about what you do as a person to others. There's really fewer reasons than that to explain why any one person would feel harming another person 'simply because' is tolerable and should not be a reprehensible thing. They are entitled to hurting another and IF, by some mystical miracle, they actually stick around long enough when confronted about this flaw, they will either admit they are a sociopath, or chalk up their brutal antics to how they are hurting, miserable and depressed.

What's more, they'll say that you should respect that. Yes, that's right. You should respect their choice to harm another person or you, out of their own selfishness.

These are the same kind of people that will judge you for defending yourself and acting a certain way when you are in any certain difficult predicament. But will, in actually, do the same or worse when they are in the sights of similar difficulties. The hypocrisy is hard to discern when they hide and don't speak of the hard times they themselves suffer through, but will advise you on what you should do if they were you. "If they were you", that lovely situational comparison that blatantly admits to the reality they have no grasp of who you are as a person when you make a decision. "I would never allow that." and "I would kill for what I want" and "I would never ever do something like that." are go-to phrases for them.

Don't do what you would do as the person you are, do what they would do or be judged and ridiculed by them. Put down and belittled, mocked and jeered. Such pleasantries, to be sure.

Whether in person or online, these people always act the same. When something amuses them, they will stick around, when it doesn't, good luck being able to find them. You can set bait, that hilariously enough works wonders if you're a bored troll. In the workplace or otherwise. My choice of words is intended. There's a funny thing about them that never seems to click, and I suppose that is okay. Because truthfully, you don't have to ever really deal with them. Truth, honesty, kindness and a well meaning heart are like a cancer to them, they can't stand it, because it eats away at what they wish to be, and how they display themselves. You tend to find your every honest attempt end up clashing with them at some point. And for the sake of trying to be amicable you both ignore that particular dispute before it goes too far and you both must make the ultimate decision. Tragic poetry. Because inevitably, it leads right to that, and only one of you laments the process and outcome. Why? Because they systematically remove themselves. They cannot and will not deal for what you stand for and who you are. Sucks really because who likes to not be liked? I sure don't. Yet these very types people are convinced I take some type of pride in that confrontation and willingness to defend myself to the point of being disliked by the other party. Somewhat of a foolish take on a person, but hey, what the hell am I gonna do about that? Change for their taste? I don't much believe so.

They always lead to a wound being left filled with poison and doubt. And you questioning yourself. Hell you might even try changing several things believing that it is you that needed to improve who you are as a person. You should always try to change for the better, but not at the cost of who you are, for the sake of someone else labeling you "flawed" for being something people of worth appreciate. Because if who you are in your core doesn't cause hurt to another in any way, and the mistakes you make you own and atone for, why should you change that? There is no reason. These types of people hurt you in an interesting and deep way, and you should appreciate them for it. It shows you that being kind-hearted and decent is valued by those around you. And they don't have to lie to you about your actions being what they are, because you aren't being selfish and abusive. It makes you predictable, and dependable. And those that know you well, can list, almost move for move, what you would do in a situation. Where those that like you, and even those that don't like you, will speak of you and their descriptions of you will not differ in any way, even when they alter little details here and there. That is something you can take pride in.

Their actions leave a wound they leave in their wake, and that poison, slowly bleeds out and strengthens your smile and your head held high when you remember that what you do, you do to move forward, and show kindness is always possible in every aspect of your life, no matter what you going through. That is a strength that even though you sometimes can't find it, it never really leaves you. Because all of your acts and choices, resonate with you, even after you die, and those that know it, remember you. Just like those, you might have hurt along the way.



15:21 May 15 2017

You have a way with words! I love the last paragraph!

01:33 May 16 2017

I'm not too sure about that... lol Oof... It would appear my English is getting worse or I suck at proof reading. LOL. wow....

04:47 May 16 2017

Oh shhhushhh!


00:30 May 13 2017
Times Read: 1,105

Mother is the name for God...

On the Lips and Hearts
of all Children

Happy Mother's Day, Gals!!!



14:01 May 13 2017

Good movie.


02:10 May 12 2017
Times Read: 1,119

May 11, 2014 at 11:42pm ·

"... in his silent gaze,
while shackled
and the tide waters rose.
The prideful screams for aid
were loudest
as the tears his cheeks rode."

The deafening lack of voicing your heart
echoes through gasps as tears rolling start.
Fetch you that shard, that what makes you but whole,
Keeps all those happy, your bliss is the toll.
Shattered kept piece of that promise you sought,
and rendered but moot for all you had fought.
Look! Look at him drown! Pathetic shame.
But floats at the mere mention of his name.
Sooner die, scream inwards, than voice his flame;
Have it drowned by hatred. Don't do the same!
You can't love hatred, but hate it back.
Love! For hatred's love of hating, attacks.
Attacks all it sees, tears the happiest gleam,
till satisfied with destruction of dreams.
He drowns in his silence because he knows
love doesn't destroy and does not cause woes.
A broken heart rends, and burns; falls apart.
after turning a charcoal deepest dark.
like a cautious artist after failing,
will love softly, paint slowly their feeling.
Care in their stroke for fear of destroying
all they would touch, or ending up hurting.
At first charcoal erases with such ease
Hours, days of work blown away by a breeze.
Slightest ill move and a work of art gone;
All those caresses and loving words drawn.





01:33 May 12 2017
Times Read: 1,132

~Your soulmate is not someone who comes into your life peacefully. It is who comes to make you question things, who changes your reality, somebody that marks a before and after in your life. It is not the human being everyone has idealized, but an ordinary person, who manages to revolutionize your world in a second. ~




23:38 May 09 2017
Times Read: 1,144

We will all be fine, in the end.




03:17 May 10 2017

Of cos :) everything happens for a reason ... but in the end ... everthing will fall into place and everyone will be fine.



23:37 May 09 2017
Times Read: 1,145

There was a wait?

Um... alright.




My friend couldn't be more right.

05:47 May 08 2017
Times Read: 1,162

You won't always receive what you give in life. Not because you don't deserve it but because most can't match your level of greatness.





03:10 May 05 2017
Times Read: 1,180

That, coming from one most accustomed to innumerable veils and lies being spoon fed for their pleasure.

That? That, is the culmination of advice given?

The plethora of truths never established is rendered a solved mystery, when one understands how another counts deception as a kindness unto others.

The circles in which we spin only perpetuate our curve.

Keep your lies.





06:42 May 04 2017
Times Read: 1,191

The angels not half so happy would have been...

Then again...

Lucky, my poor Annabel Lee.




05:13 May 03 2017
Times Read: 1,206

I've always felt strange about birthdays, I'd happily celebrate the occasion either way. For my close friends, I always end up forgetting most of their birthdays. Sad really. We all generally always end up asking each other on the month of, so... your birthday's comin up right? LOL. YEARS of this and I still keep forgetting the birthdays of my closest circle. Something's gotta give.

As for significant others, I can't fucking seem to ever forget. Like... EVER. :: shrugs:: I guess I must have given some sort of a shit at some point. Yet... as for me...

:: chuckles::




His hair it hangs in ringlets... ♫

02:47 May 03 2017
Times Read: 1,215

I carefully did stray...




08:25 May 02 2017
Times Read: 1,229

She was drowned in suicide

Faithless lover cast aside

This is how she came to be

Lorelei of the sea

Hopes destroyed, she wanted to find

Certain death peace of mind

Now you wonder who is she

Lorelei of the sea

Many tales I've been told of sailors having died

After seeing a mermaid known

As Lorelei

Faithless lover that is me

And she siren of the sea

So next time that the seagulls fly

Don't you cry sweet Lorelei




08:11 May 02 2017
Times Read: 1,230

Wolves asleep amidst the trees

Bats all a swaying in the breeze

But one soul lies anxious wide awake

Fearing all manner of ghouls, hags and wraiths

For your dolly Polly sleep has flown

Don't dare let her tremble alone

For the witcher, heartless, cold

Paid in coin of gold

He comes he'll go leave naught behind

But heartache and woe

Deep, deep woe




07:50 May 02 2017
Times Read: 1,237

My oh my, you're so good-looking

Hold yourself together like a pair of bookends

But I've not tasted all your cooking

Who are you when I'm not looking?

Do you pour a little something on the rocks?

Slide down the hallway in your socks?

When you undress, do you leave a path?

Then sink to your nose in a bubble bath?

My oh my, you're so good-looking

Hold yourself together like a pair of bookends

But I've not tasted all your cooking

Who are you when I'm not looking?

I wanna know

I wanna know

I wanna know

Do you break things when you get mad?

Eat a box of chocolates 'cause you're feelin' bad?

Do you paint your toes 'cause you bite your nails?

Call up momma when all else fails?

Who are you when I'm not around?

When the door is locked and the shades are down?

Do you listen to your music quietly?

And when it feels just right, are you thinkin' of me?

I wanna know

I wanna know

I wanna know

My oh my, you're so good-looking

But who are you when I'm not looking?




07:48 May 02 2017
Times Read: 1,238

Gimme that girl with the hair in a mess

Sleepy little smile with her head on my chest,

That's the you that I like best,

Gimme that girl.

Gimme that girl lovin' up on me,

Old t-shirt and a pair of jeans,

That's the you I wanna see,

Gimme that girl, gimme that girl.




01:24 May 02 2017
Times Read: 1,262

In the Still of the Night

I hear the wolf howl, honey

It sniffing around your door

In the Still of the Night

I hear my heart beating heavy

Telling me I gotta have more

In the shadow of night

I see the full moon rise

Telling me what's in store

My heart start shaking

My body start an aching

And I just can't take no more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



01:53 May 02 2017


01:59 May 02 2017


But Halestorm's cover is damn awesome.

02:51 May 02 2017

Ohhh i love them too. I'll check it out. Thanks!


01:17 May 02 2017
Times Read: 1,264

Some love is just a lie of the soul

A constant battle for the ultimate state of control

After you've heard lie upon lie

There can hardly be a question of why

Some love is just a lie of the heart

The cold remains of what began with a passionate start...




01:07 May 02 2017
Times Read: 1,267

Woke up to soothing sound of pouring rain

Washed away a dream of you

But nothing else could ever take you away

'Cause you'll always be my dream come true

Oh my darling, I love you




May, you once again feel like you should.

13:57 May 01 2017
Times Read: 1,291

This morning feels amazing. Truly pleasant feeling cold mist, paired with a couple fun games with a friend's minions and amazing music the whole ride on the radio, I haven't stopped smiling.

May please keep this up. I need it.



16:25 May 01 2017

Sounds wonderful :) you deserve amazing days ...

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